2022 - in(-)ter(-ra)human liquid
handbuilt, multiple glazed and multiple fired ceramic objects
swelling, dripping, pounding
bodily (-) fluid – natrium, silica, iron
tears, magma, earthscore
internal bleeding - break through the skin
interstellar intrazellular
body - solidified in flow
fossilization, mineralization, carbonization
protracted ulcus, 2022
substance defect deeprooted, 2022
aorta ao antikatabolista, 2022
tearing contusio, 2022
alphatoxin m-o/e-narch, 2022
chronic subdu(r)al hematoma, 2022
subcutan sugillation, 2022
debridement theraphy larvae, 2022
karyogamy Α/Ω, 2022
excision: materia pecca - nidation: incorpo inter, 2022
Die 10 Objekte formen ein System aus mehreren vergangenen, gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Phasen einer und innerhalb einer Gesellschaft, insbesondere bezüglich Gender. So stehen manche Objekte als Teil der Vergangenheit und gegenwärtigen Verhältnisse für die patriarchale Gewalt aus der Sicht verschiedener Körper und stellen den Kampf zwischen diesen dar. Andere Objekte rufen zum konkreten Widerstand als unumgehbare Gegenwart und weitere Objekte zeigen eine mögliche Zukunft in der Auflösung der Geschlechter.
the 10 objects form a system of several past, present and future phases and roles of and within a society, especially in terms of gender. Thus, some objects represent the patriarchal violence from the point of view of different bodies as part of the past and present conditions and represent the fight between them. Other objects call for concrete resistance as a necessary present and other objects show a possible future in the dissolution of gender.
the 10 objects form a system of several past, present and future phases and roles of and within a society, especially in terms of gender. Thus, some objects represent the patriarchal violence from the point of view of different bodies as part of the past and present conditions and represent the fight between them. Other objects call for concrete resistance as a necessary present and other objects show a possible future in the dissolution of gender.
swelling, dripping, pounding
bodily (-) fluid – natrium, silica, iron
tears, magma, earthscore
internal bleeding - break through the skin
interstellar intrazellular
body - solidified in flow
fossilization, mineralization, carbonization
protracted ulcus, 2022
substance defect deeprooted, 2022
aorta ao antikatabolista, 2022
tearing contusio, 2022
alphatoxin m-o/e-narch, 2022
chronic subdu(r)al hematoma, 2022
subcutan sugillation, 2022
debridement theraphy larvae, 2022
karyogamy Α/Ω, 2022
excision: materia pecca - nidation: incorpo inter, 2022

Works (10 pieces)
1. 'protracted ulcus', glazed ceramics, 20x23x16cm (hxlxw), 2022
2. 'substance defect deeprooted', glazed ceramics, 19x19x18cm (hxlxw), 2022
1. 'protracted ulcus', glazed ceramics, 20x23x16cm (hxlxw), 2022
2. 'substance defect deeprooted', glazed ceramics, 19x19x18cm (hxlxw), 2022

1. 'alphatoxin m-o/e-narch', glazed ceramics, 50x40x40cm (hxlxw), 2022
2. 'chronic subdu(r)al hematoma', glazed ceramics, 23x30x22cm (hxlxw), 2022
3. 'subcutan sugillation', glazed ceramics, 24x30x25cm (hxlxw), 2022

1. 'aorta ao antikatabolista', glazed ceramics, 39x39x38cm (hxlxw), 2022
2. 'tearing contusio', glazed ceramics, 17x29x18cm (hxlxw), 2022

1. 'debridement theraphy larvae', glazed ceramics, 16x36x26cm (hxlxw), 2022
2. 'karyogamy Α/Ω', glazed ceramics, 19x31x23cm (hxlxw), 2022
3. 'excision: materia pecca - nidation: incorpo inter', glazed ceramics, 23x29x25cm (hxlxw), 2022